"Everybody ends up somewhere. A few people end up somewhere on purpose." – Andy Stanley

Start Here

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You’d love to have more time to exercise, or spend time with your wife and kids, spend time with God, travel or whatever, but you’re so busy with work, that all you want to do it collapse on the couch at the end of the day, and zone out in front of the TV for a few hours. 

All week, you dream about the weekend and on the weekend you dream about vacation. Then you wake up on Monday and do it all over again. 

Unfortunately, there are way too many people that can relate. We feel trapped in unfulfilling jobs or completely stressed out by financial obligations, and we wonder, how did I get here? There’s got to be more, right? Maybe I need to be be more productive, get more accomplished, then I could get on top of everything.

But that’s not true. 

The reality is we’re stuck on autopilot buying more and bigger stuff, running from activity to activity and  without a clear sense of purpose for their families, money….or life for that matter.

The truth is, we don’t have enough time, energy or resources to do it all. But we do have enough for the things that matter.

The problem isn’t lack of productivity, it’s lack of purpose. First, we have to get clear on our purpose, then prioritize the things in life that support that purpose…and let the rest go.

Life is about choices, are you going to chose to end up just somewhere, or somewhere on purpose?


Next Steps

This site was built to help you (and me):

  • To find and prioritize our life’s mission
  • To create a plan(s) to prioritize and support our life’s mission
  • To live intentionally, with purpose and passion

The end result will be people that excel in all the common roles God has called us into: Disciples, Spouses, Parents, Friends, Workers, Stewards. As well as the unique role he has specifically equipped you for.

I am passionate about learning how to live a purposeful and authentic life, and teaching others how to do the same. Since you’ve made it this far, I bet you’re interested  too. Here’s a few articles to get you started: 

Step #1 Create Your Budget

This includes federal, state and local taxes.

Monthly Budget Number

Can include: Entertainment, hobbies, clothes, kid's education, supplemental insurance, vacations, etc. For more information go to http://stuffiwishiknew.com

