I love reading, especially non-fiction and self-help books. After I read each book, I feel so inspired and I always have a list new habits I want to form, characters traits I want to build and things I want to try.
After I read a new book, I am typically really excited for a few days, and then I start reading a new book, I get fired up about the ideas in the new book and forget all about the old one. After a few years of following the same pattern, I asked myself, “what is the point of reading all these self-help books if I never let the insights I glean change my behavior?”
I decided that I needed to slow down and be more intentional about putting into practice the things I am learning. To that end, I decided to summarize each book I read (here is the full list) including a few habits, or behavior changes I want to make as a result of reading each book.
Then, I spend the next month committed to putting those new habits into place. It ends up being 12 month-long habit challenges each year. At the end of each habit challenge, I share the benefits, difficulties and lessons learned in the hopes that it might help others to build similar habits.